Code Review
Let’s begin with a brief introdcution of the subject. In order to find mistakes in a LOC (Line of Code) you need a Code review. Codes are always tricky and full of mistakes. That’s why a great tool to analyse these errors is necessary. Which questions do you need to ask yourself when done with a code?
- Is there any logic error in my code?
- Is the new code compliant with the old guidelines?
These are just a few examples of what should pop into a developer mind. A code review is necessary to answer these questions and be sure errors are as low as they can be.
Code review: what is it?
Let’s dig a little more now and give a few more details. Code review is the systematic control of the source code. It spots and corrects errors that developers did not notice in the developing phase. It improves the overall quality of the software and developers’ skills. You can analyse a code both quantitatively and qualitatively, there are more questions to consider when talking about codes.
- How is the code written?
- Is it clear and intuitive enough?
- Can you clearly spot its starting point?
- Has it got strange features that are easily noticeable?
- Does it respect coding conventions or standards? Who sets those standards?
- And much more…
Starting from this, you can easily understand the importance of having the right tool to analyse your code. It makes you save time (always an important aspect to consider) and allows you to focus on the most urgent vulnerabilities to face.
Code Review: the must haves
As stated before, the perfect corporate tool needs some essential features. Now we are going to list some of them in order to help you do the right choice.
- It must be easy to use. We are dealing with a difficult subject right here. The last thing you need is some incomprehensible, hard to understand tool to make your life even harder. Right?
- It must scan uncompiled code.
- Moreover, it’s necessary it scans and works effectively both on premise and on demand.
- Basically, it will scan codes written in some language right? Be sure your tool supports the most used languages and the more languages it can ‘read’, the better.
- This tool must be your insurance. Let’s be clearer. It must ensure you that the application has been developed in the right way in order to be “self-defending“.
Code Review: detailed insights
Let’s talk some details here. What did we forget in the previous paragraph? As you know, there’s always room for improving and here’s what a good tool should provide in order to be perfect.
- Basically, we need to understand how bad is the situation. What is a good way to immediately get it? Dividing the spotted vulnerabilities by their gravity is a good starting point.
- Moving further, dividing them also by their language is another important feature to show in a report.
- It must give an historical overview of the previous tests.
- Provide a deep analysis of each vulnerability in order to better understand how to fix it.
Code review: how can I protect my business?
In order to assure to your business the best tool available, Swascan developed a special cybersecurity platform. It is completely in Cloud, Pay per Use and SaaS. You can see for yourself in our brochure: Cybersecurity platform and have an in-depth look at our services. Our four services cover all the governance needs in terms of risk management and periodic assessment. Basically, if you need to understand the areas in which your efforts must focus, GDPR Self-Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment, Network Scan and Code Review are the right tools for you. Last but not least, don’t forget GDPR: our platform is 100% GDPR compliant ( GDPR infographic ).